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How to Submit Your Music To Music Reviewers
by Jodi Krangle - The Muse's Muse - December 2000
(c) 2000, Jodi Krangle. All Rights Reserved. Used By Permission.

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Getting the attention of music reviewers can be almost as difficult
as breaking into a bank - and let's face it - sometimes far less
profitable. But a good review is worth its weight in gold. So how
does one go about getting reviewers to give your particular package
the time of day? I receive quite a few of these packages myself so
while I'm no expert, I do have a few suggestions:

This may sound like it's too obvious to mention, but trust me - if
you contact a potential reviewer by demanding their submissions
address because you are simply the best thing that has happened to
music since the microphone and the reviewer would be out of their
mind to pass you up, you're likely to be disappointed at the
response you receive. Sure, every artist deserves a chance. But
you're biasing a reviewer against you right from the start if you
use that tactic. Reviewers despise being taken for granted. Never
assume you *deserve* a review - ASK for one.

Your initial contact should be polite and brief. A simple, "Hello,
my name is (so and so) and I'm interested in a possible review in
your (publication/web site). Would you be able to supply me with
the proper contact information so that I can send you my CD?" will
be kindly received. Even if it takes the reviewer a little while to
get back to you - whether it's by regular mail, e-mail or through
the feedback form of a web site - their reply will usually be

One last word on the subject of "first contact": PLEASE don't send
an e-mail with your web site address and only a "Check this out!"
line for clarification. You don't want to know how much spam
e-mail I receive in a day and messages like that simply make me
feel as if I'm being asked to check out the latest in cheesy porn.
I delete such messages on sight and I honestly don't know many
reviewers who pay them any attention either.

Your package should include an intro letter that addresses the
reviewer by name whenever possible, a bio that's hopefully no more
than a page long, a CD (CDs are the preferred medium these days.
I'm afraid you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise), no more
than three reviews in other publications and/or web sites, and
that's about IT. Pictures are nice but they don't really matter as
far as most publications are concerned. If a publication requires
further material, you'll be contacted for it. Frankly, for myself,
I'd rather give other reviews a complete miss. I rarely pay
attention to them. I prefer to make up my own mind rather than
read others' opinions before I've even had a chance to listen to
the music myself. But I think that's really dependent on the type
of publication you're sending your package to. Some publications
and/or web sites might feel that favorable reviews elsewhere lend
more credibility to the artist - which is one of the reasons you'd
be asking for another review in the first place, right? Just
because I disagree with that sentiment, doesn't mean that all
reviewers will feel as I do. However, keep in mind that if you
include too much, you run the risk of it all being ignored. After
all, it's the MUSIC that really counts.

That said, the presentation of the CD itself is probably the most
important element of your package. It's that CD that will give the
reviewer their opening impression of your music - and
(unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it)
your professionalism. That doesn't mean you have to have spent
thousands of dollars on your presentation, a huge CD insert, a
gorgeous color cover, etc. That just means that your "look" should
be consistent. Some of the packages that impress me the most are
the ones that have an actual design in mind carried through from
the CD to the stationary the cover letter is printed on and
further. If you're not getting a professional printing of
anything, a color inkjet printer creating your own letterhead along
with a similarly designed CD covering sticker, will work quite
nicely. Simplicity is often the best way to go. Above all, avoid
sending in a blank, recordable CD with black marker written on it.
Your contact information should be on both the CD and the insert
and/or cover. No matter *what* you do, make sure your contact
information is easy to find. The insert certainly doesn't need to
be in color but there should *be* one if at all possible. The
insert is the perfect place to put contact information, credits
(the reviewer is often fascinated by who did and wrote what, I
know *I* am!), anecdotal information, etc - the things that make
you special and different from the other folks the reviewer will be
listening to.

I know what you're thinking. "Why not just include that stuff on a
separate sheet of paper inside the package?" Well, for the same
reason that your contact information NEEDS to be on the disc
itself: the reviewer may not actually be taking the entirety of
your package around with him/her (in fact, it's pretty unlikely!).
The CD might become separated from the rest of your package and
for that reason, you want it to be able to stand on its own as a
professional piece of work, whether it retains its case or not.
You want the reviewer to be able to contact you from that CD alone.

Things to send in your package:
* A brief cover letter addressing the reviewer by name (a MUST)
* A bio (1 page!)
* A CD (tapes are a thing of the past, folks!) - preferably with an
insert of some kind.
* Up to 3 reviews if you really feel you need them (try to keep
this on one or two pages)

- Keep the "look" simple and professional. You don't have to spend
a lot of money to accomplish this!
- Make sure your contact information is on EVERYTHING.

Keep in mind that if your CD itself is a nice little package all on
its own including inserts, you may not need the bio or the reviews
and could probably get away with just sending in the CD and a cover
letter. If you have a web site and include the url to that site in
your cover letter, the reviewer can find out tons more information
on you should they wish to. As mentioned earlier, sometimes simple
is best.

I don't mean to say that you shouldn't ever re-contact the
reviewer. Not at all. Remind the reviewer you're around! Just
don't do it every day. Wait a couple of weeks between contacts.
Reviewers have a lot of demands upon their time and are frequently
several weeks - or even *months*! - behind in their reviews
depending on the publication(s) they write for.

I mentioned that once before, didn't I? Probably because I
consider it to be very important. The way in which you treat
people will reflect upon your professionalism even more so than the
look of your CD. It takes years to build up a good reputation and
only a few minutes to completely destroy it. As with anything in
the music business, you never know when someone you were kind to will be in a position to return that kindness. It's all about
relationships. Make sure you're the sort of person who fosters
good ones and it'll all come back to you.

How does this relate to tips about getting reviews? Above all, try
to be pleasant. It may not seem like much, but believe me - the
reviewer appreciates it a great deal. Don't demand to know why
your CD wasn't chosen for a review and/or spotlight if you are told
that it wasn't - not unless you actually want to hear what the
reviewer has to say. And if that reviewer *does* let you know why,
don't bad mouth him/her for telling you. You asked! I prefer not
to review CDs that haven't impressed me, for whatever reason. I
don't like the idea of putting up a lukewarm (or even BAD) review
on a web site where people can be referring to it forever. I don't
feel that's fair to the artist. In other words, if I'm not giving
you a review, don't consider it a rejection. Consider it a
kindness. Move on and keep in contact with the reviewer. It might
be that a future release of yours will be better received.

I hope these hints have helped. Meanwhile, good luck with your


Jodi Krangle is Proprietress of The Muse's Muse Songwriting
Resource @ www.musesmuse.com Join her for weekly chats Mondays @ 9PM EST! Drop by
http://www.musesmuse.com/musenews to find out more about the Muse's Muse free monthly e-zine.

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